Tascam us 1800 driver for windows 10 ableton 10
Tascam us 1800 driver for windows 10 ableton 10

It actually doesn't freak out much because both have the exact same output configuration. I didn't want to have Sonar freak out about the interface. Once I finished the Jazz recording I had to swicth back to my Scarlett to continue with other projects. Sorry I haven't had a chance to test if mine will swicth to 48 Michael. If your tracks are not in sync then there's something gone weird, I never had that issue with my Tascam. Edit: I see we where typing at the same time. But to tell the truth, the RTL of the Scarlett is not a heck of lot better than the Tascam, it's the stability that's hugely improved. I had to stay with my in laws for a week and I installed X3 on this HP i7, 16 gig of RAM/ 7200 RPM drive mega computer and I had the same experience.So I got fed up and drove over to a music store and bought the Focusrite 6i6 and have never looked back. I always blamed it on my computer which was older and only a duo core 4 Gigs of RAM. My system would just crap out if I tried anything complicated. My problem was with using VST's and Effects. But I never would "hear" latency because I always monitored from the interface. So I always used the "normal setting which was then around 22ms.

tascam us 1800 driver for windows 10 ableton 10

NOTE: This setting does not affect audio through your DAW software to the TASCAM USB Audio Interface when using ASIO.So when you say your having latency issues, Is this when you turn on input echo? With my us1641 the best I could get was about 14 Ms but at that setting it would stutter. Double click on Speakers/TASCAM US-144 MKII, or right click on Speakers/TASCAM US-144 MKII and select "Properties" at the bottom of the menu. Until the new driver is available, please use only the 16 bit settings in the Windows Sound Speaker properties: Sample Rate and bit depth pull down menu.Į.g. If your computer is currently set to 24 bit audio for shared mode Windows Sound events, please change the shared mode sample rate and bit depth to 16 bits as in the pictures below.

tascam us 1800 driver for windows 10 ableton 10

This issue does not affect playback of 24 bit audio through DAW software. TASCAM is preparing a new Windows driver to resolve this issue and will publish it on the TASCAM website when it is ready. This may cause a STOP Error (Blue screen) when a system audio event is played back. A problem may occur after installing Windows 8.1 Update 1 (KB2919335), and connecting a TASCAM USB Audio Interface and setting the Windows Sound settings for the Default audio Format for shared mode to 24 bit.

Tascam us 1800 driver for windows 10 ableton 10